7 January 2015

New navigation tab!

Hey ya'll!

We now have a new tab on our website and it's named "Our Voices". What is this? Let me explain. Many of you know that we're animal lovers, hardcore animal lovers. Haha! :)

So, we've created this tab for a specific reason. We love doing charities and helping out other people for the cause of their pets or other animals. So this tab is dedicated especially for;

  1. Notices for missing pets 
  2. Animal charity drives 
  3. Non Profit Organisation notices/activities
The number of our readers are increasing day by day. So by doing this, we could actually help spread out more news of any above related matters. We will be working hand in hand with ACT Sabah and Stray Free Labuan

If you so happen to have a friend who is looking for their missing pet(s), do not hesitate to contact us and we'll put up a notice on our webpage for you. We just love helping others and we do not charge a single cent to anyone. Your voice is our voice!

Some of you may find it hard to navigate through our site. So, we decided to make a few tweaks and post a guide on our navigation tabs. Now I'm going to simply go through the other navigation tabs.

This is what our webpage looks like. At the right corner column, you can see "What's Up" which will be a short intro on what's trending or what's coming up. Nothing much :)

I friggin' LOVE doing guides! I love sharing my experiences with other people so this tab is dedicated just for guides I made for all of you. I am open to guides requests so don't be shy!

We effing love travelling! Who doesn't right? So, this tab will be all about our trip to places we went.
As I said, I love sharing experiences so it's basically some sort like a travel guide as well. Not really a guide but just uhmmm an overview of the particular place, things to eat, things to do, what's amazing and so on. Teeeeheeee!

YES! Give away! We love giving free items to random people. I don't know. We just do. So, be sure to check what we're giving away on the "Give Away!" tab alright.

Please, do not hesitate to contact us so we can help you expand the coverage of your notices. You can contact us at nathisme@gmail.com.

As always, be nasty, stay happy! Ngaaaahhh!


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