Hi there you!
I don't like travelling, I love it! I bet you love it as much as I do. So, this post is about travelling safe and fun!
Travelling across the globe may seem fun but yea, you've gotta take risks as well. I wouldn't travel into a country with political warfare because it ain't exactly a wise idea. Even travelling to one of the most beautiful country in the world, masters of pick pockets are your worst nightmare. So, it is best to
check out on current political or economical agenda of a country you plan on going.
Let's assume all of us will be travelling to Country A. We're gonna need tickets we can afford which in a way we need to take transit flights. The period of a transition can be as long as 3 to 24 hours. Just so you know, chances of you missing the flight is higher if the transition period is shorter or caused by interventions. Let's put it this way, we have 2 flights namely Flight 1, and Flight 2.
Flight 1 is scheduled to arrive at 10am and Flight 2 is expected to depart at 1pm. So, here's the perks, what if, so again WHAT IF, Flight 1's ETA (Estimated Time Arrival) is delayed/extended to 11pm? You're so doomed because you're definitely gonna miss Flight 2. So, to make it safer,
always purchase flight insurance which would only cost a few bucks compared to losing hundreds of dollars.
Also, before travelling, earlier bookings of hotel will be way safer. Always
read reviews of other customers' testimonials or experiences staying in a specific hotel. This is to avoid being ripped off or being totally disappointed throughout your whole trip.
Pocket money will often be an issue especially for budget travellers. So,
do researches on cost of living/transportation/meal of the country you are going and always bring extra as it might come in handy. You could also
prepare a small notepad where you'll list all your expenditures and remaining balance of pocket money.
Store your cash in various places such as underneath your shoe pads and hidden compartments around your luggage/backpack.
I friggin' hate my passport photo because I look as dull and crap like hell. No matter how much I hate it,
I always take pictures of the front cover and important pages of my passport and save it into a dropbox or email. This is done so we can still access our documentation via the internet even if it is physically lost.
Here's another trick I learnt on how to find out if someone has intruded your hotel room while you were not around.
Get a strip of paper/string approximately 3-4 inches long.
While going out from your hotel room, place the strip of paper/string anywhere on the side of your door. Make sure it is not popped out too much that it is visible to others. If someone were to barge into your hotel room, the piece of paper would drop. So, when you return back to your hotel, if the paper is still intact, you're safe. I wouldn't wanna say if it doesn't :/
I'll put up a video of this guide pretty soon on our upcoming new Youtube channel.
For any enquiries or requests, leave your comment in the comment section below or connect to us via e-mail or Facebook.
Until then, be nasty and stay happy!